This is the South side of the yard. We are planning on putting a few large trees along the fence that is now just right of these rocks. Then the rest will be xeriscaped. We are going to have very little grass in our will be all rocks, plants, a playground, and a garden...and gorgeous.
I am standing in the second level that will be filled with a vegetable garden in planter boxes, with paths around them. You can see the stairs to my right, they are really cool.
This is me sitting on a wall looking like humpty dumpty. I just think this picture is funny. But you can see the walls from the first pic in the background...a little different perspective. Oh, and the stairs.
Here is the view from our upstairs window. You can see the stairs and the levels. The top part, in the bottom right corner, will be trails and xeriscaping, with the stairs leading to the garden. The bottom level is pretty small and we aren't sure what we are going to do with that. Maybe a fire pit or something...who knows.
This is the other corner and you can see the fence is going up. Also, you can see how the rocks in the top right corner create smooth path that flows into all three levels. There will be a tree between the walls on the right side, and two more on top of the rocks as you look towards the bottom right.
This is a RIDICULOUS amount of work that is going to take years to finish...if it ever really is finished. I really think Camille and I will be working on this, little by little, for decades.
Yeah for yards!